Monday, June 24, 2013

2013 MacBook Air

Almost exactly 5 years since I purchased my MacBook Pro, I am now the owner of a new 13 inch MacBook Air. Although initially reluctant to buy an Air due to my perception that they were mostly a compromise solution that failed to excel in any specific area, feedback and recommendations from Facebook friends convinced me to dip my toe in the water.
I would have happily continued with my old Pro had it not started to crash regularly and not sound like a playing card strumming the spokes of a bicycle. As my old Pro started to fail around April, I decided to hold off making a new purchase until the Apple World Wide Developer's Conference (WWDC). I was hoping Apple would refresh the current Retina Pro but was left disappointed they only upgraded the Air.
Still, the new energy efficient Haswell processor seems to do a great job, the flash memory makes startup lightening quick, and the Air is a doddle to carry around. Although I'm a little disappointed Apple didn't outwardly change the design of the Air, it seems to be a great new computer which I hope will last as long as my last.

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