Friday, May 11, 2012

Willis Tower (formerly The Sears Tower), Chicago

View of downtown Chicago and Lake Michigan
On May 3rd, I unintentionally found my way to the top of the Willis Tower, perhaps more famously known as the Sears Tower. I was just strolling around the streets of Chicago, enjoying the grid planning style, the wide sidewalks, and the unfamiliar sights when I passed a door advertising the SkyDeck. Since I was just a temporary visitor to the city, I thought it would be a good idea to make the trip to the top of the tallest building in the USA.

Despite the cost ($18) and getting lost trying to find the ear popping express elevator to the top of the building, the time spent looking over the city of Chicago and Lake Michigan was worthwhile. However, the dirty windows from the SkyDeck made it difficult to take good photos.
Looking down from the 103rd floor
As my visit to the Willis Tower was far away from the peak of the coming tourist season, there only about 30 other people on the 103rd floor which represents the SkyDeck. I was able to view the city and the massive Lake Michigan in relative solitude.

On the way out of the building, there was the obligatory shop selling Chicago paraphernalia. For some friends back in Japan, I bought a Chicago baseball, a miniature Chicago White Sox baseball bat, a couple of t-shirts, and a Blues Brothers style fedora.

I'm glad I inadvertently visited the most popular Chicago tourist destination and have some images of the city locked in my mind. Next blog will appear soon.

1 comment:

Mum - Yours said...

Too high for me!!