Sunday, June 08, 2008


Big news! I have been lucky enough to have secured a job with a Japanese company called Weathernews. Full details available if you click on the link. The company has a finger in a lot of interesting pies such as shipping, aviation, and disaster mitigation. I will be working in the shipping area and my main role will be to present voyage data to shipping businesses so that they can decide whether to enter into an arbitration process to resolve disputes.

It has been nearly 3 months since I made the initial application. Thankfully this long and drawn-out process has borne fruit and I am scheduled to begin on the 14th of July.

Despite enjoying English teaching and having a great quality of life over the last 5 years, the job has provided little long term security or opportunities for advancement. It is time to join the real world and knuckle down. Knuckling down will mean that I will have to get up at 5.30am every day and will probably not return home till 10 or 11pm each night. Four (4) hours of my day will now be spent commuting on one of the busiest rail networks in the world. Ouch!! If things go well, we will probably all move home early next year to make my life a bit easier.
My new office will be in a place called Makuhari. Makuhari is an area of reclaimed land which sits next to the Pacific. I will be based on the top floor (24th) of a building called Technogarden B. I am not really worried about the job - I'm sure that I will pick it up over time. I am really worried about my long and punishing days. I will have to manage.

I will be in the building on the left of the photo, on the top floor. The area reminds me of the London Docklands, with all the new buildings, spacious pavements, and relatively few cars. I am really excited to start and I think that talking about ships (and planes) all day should suit me down to the ground.

Until I start, I am taking advantage of my evenings and trying to make the most of them. Soon the only free time I will have will be on weekends. I am hopeful that it will be a sacrifice worth making.


Mr Lee said...

Nice one! The long days will suck but it sounds like you have a plan...

Kane Davidson said...

It's a plan, but I hope I can deal with the long hours. I just need to get into the routine and then hopefully things will be ok. A worrying change of routine but totally necessary.

Unknown said...

Hey Kane,

Can't quite believe the technology - and that I found your site so easily...

Hope you aren't going to be too busy with the new job at the beginning of October. I'll be in Kobe for work, and am hoping to come visit! Think you can get that brother of yours over for a reunion?


Kane Davidson said...

Hi Andrew

Is it Andrew MacDonald from Glen B? I'm keen on meeting up in October and you are welcome to stay at our place if you like. When you know your exact travel details, let me know.


Mum - Yours said...

good to see the place you are going to work. It looks great! Yes a long day I know but cant help thinking its a job that will suit you very well. Hello Andrew too.

Anonymous said...

Well done Scrote!

Would be good to catch up with Andrew in October...If you can get some time off.



Kane Davidson said...

Would be nice to have confirmation on exactly which Andrew it is.

Anonymous said...

"Whether" or not the commuting is a mare, I have little doubt that this is the start of a new and exciting chapter in your life.

Kane Davidson said...

Thanks Anonymous Posse member!

Anonymous said...

I am sure that you will relish the challenges that lie ahead.

Unknown said...

Argh - not used to this blogging thing. All seems weirdly public. I realize now that it might have been useful to explain which Andrew I am......but looks like you worked it out yourself anyway! Indeed, this is the Glen variety (currently in Edinburgh). Never been to Japan before, and hope be able to take at least a couple of days off either before or after the conference in Kobe (1st-5th Oct), whichever suits you (and Mark if he can make it) best. Can you send me your email address and we can make a plan?

Hello Pauline! Does Kane have my mattress?


Kane Davidson said...

Hi Andrew

Can you send me another comment with your email address so that I can contact you? I won't publish your comment on the blog so your address will not become public.


Mum - Yours said...

What mattress - he has a few actually, perhaps he is a collector!x

Anonymous said...

Do you like the song "It's Raining Men" by the Weather Girls?

Kane Davidson said...

I prefer 'Blowin' in the Wind' by Peter, Paul, and Mary.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you always liked a good blow, didn't you?

Veri and Rasho said...

Would be interesting if you are to re-write this post now after a year++ in WNI....
