Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tokyo Snow and Setsubun

We had planned on visiting the Isetan Department Store in central Tokyo, but were put off by the snow which had fallen overnight. Unlike Shimogo, Tokyo is vulnerable to paralysis and chaos once a slight dusting of snow accrues. The thought of attempting the train journey into Shinjuku convinced us all that it was best to remain at home.

Unfortunately, our house suffers from a problem which is common throughout Japan - a complete lack of insulation. We are spending a fortune keeping our house warm using a gas heater. It feels like the heat is almost immediately lost. In summer, the cool air generated by the air-conditioner is promptly lost for the same reason. I don't really understand the reasons why the majority of houses have been so poorly constructed, but it is possible the situation is starting to improve. People outside of Japan would be surprised at some of the primitive conditions faced by the Japanese, even in a megalopolis such as Tokyo.

Today was Setsubun, a day which is supposed to mark the end of winter and beginning of spring. Judging by the weather, some greater power had other ideas. During Setsubun, it is traditional to throw beans around each room to exorcise bad spirits or bad luck. A family member (me) has to wear an ogre mask while the other family members (Yuki and Clara) drive the evil apparition from the house in a hail of beans. Whilst this is going on, the brave ogre slayers shout, "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" This loosely translates into, "Demons out! Good luck in!"

Anyway, it is now February and I am starting to get excited about our forthcoming trip to Scotland at the end of March. Yuki and Clara will visit for about 2 weeks and I should be around for about 1 month. I will attempt to get the flat in Edinburgh organised for sale, although it promises to be a long and complicated process. Another highlight will be going to the wedding of Graeme Campbell, a friend from Aberdeen University.


Mum - Yours said...

That mask really suits you honey!! We visited that shop when we were over in October, amazing place! It gives the word 'shop' a whole new meaning - more like a little town!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can I ask you something? DO you ever wonder if this is all there is to life?

Kane Davidson said...

Nope. I only think for the moment and never consider the wider issues. My main worry is where my next drink is coming from.....

Anonymous said...

Sometimes thinking can be dangerous. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. When you think about it, life is pretty pish, isn't it? I have been wondering if there is anything better than this when you are gone. I might find out. Surely it is normal to have suicidal tendancies from time to time?

Kane Davidson said...

Very funny!!! I hope you are joking...........

Anonymous said...

No, not really. I often wonder how I would do it. They say that drowning is the best. What do you think? I phoned the Samaritans last night, but they were not very helpful.

Mum - Yours said...

me too............... that is that you are joking, I never feel like ending it all! Even when I dont win the lottery!

Anonymous said...

Well, whenever I feel like ending it all I think of you, Pauline. Then I feel much better as I am reminded that there are in fact people in this world who are far less fortunate than myself.

Anonymous said...

What is the longest you have ever gone without having a poo?

Kane Davidson said...

Hmmmm........good question!

Dunno...3 or 4 days perhaps.

Anonymous said...

God - I bet your bum hurt after that!

I once went a whole week, just to see what it was like. Not a pleasent experience at the end, I tell you.

Are you a morning, afternoon or evening person when it comes to making a deposit?

Kane Davidson said...

I never go in the morning. Always during the day (to skive off work) or during the evening with a good copy of Airforces Monthly to keep me occupied.

It's always a pleasure to have clean separation but I don't like it when things 'get messy'. On occasions, I have to 'double flush' to dispense the deposit along with the copious amounts of toilet roll.

Have you ever done one in the company of mother nature?