Friday, August 31, 2012

Clara's 2012 Scottish Odyssey

Clara returned recently after spending another fantastic holiday with her grandparents in Scotland. She was also lucky to spend a few days sightseeing in Holland. This year the travel plans were slightly different - Clara flew from Japan to Europe and back again all by herself.
Chilling out on Embo beach
As Clara has been spending her summers in Scotland for a number of years, she generally repeated the same activities, visited the same places, and met the same people she has seen in previous years. Repetition and familiarity for her will help embed Scotland in her life as a happy home and give her a strong sense of Scottishness. What is also certain is that Clara in her old age will look back on her summers in Scotland with fondness and satisfaction. Who knows - she may even decide to choose Scotland as her permanent home when she is an adult.
Joep, Clara, and Laura at Landmark
Clara's grandparents always ensure she has quality time in Scotland, whether that be travelling to Skye to see relations or spending a few days staying in Embo walking or playing badminton on the beach. Clara also just likes to sit on the sofa in my parent's living room surfing the net and playing games. It seems the most popular place to visit each year is the Landmark Forest Adventure Park.
A bit smokey!
The location where my parents live is safe and great for kids to play long into the night. Clara was happy to be able to pop into her friends' homes to play and enjoyed the space of my parents garden. The garden fire also seemed to add a bit of ambience, although I hope the neighbours didn't mind the apparently toxic black smoke.
Garden chat
As usual, big thanks to my parents for looking after Clara. Clara is so lucky to be looked after so well and to be offered so many amazing experiences and memories. I'm really glad that she has two countries that she can call home and so many people that take such great care of her.
London 2012 Olympic party
Happy days indeed!


Anonymous said...

What age is she now buddy?

Kane Davidson said...

12 in December.

Mum - Yours said...

Fabulous time with her she is such a good girl and we are so lucky to spend long summers together.