Sunday, October 02, 2011

Destination Ishinomaki (Miyagi Prefecture)

Well, it is over 6 months since the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit the Pacific coast of Japan. On Friday 7th October, a friend and I will join a group which has volunteered to assist with the clean up operation. We will be slumming it for 3 days.

We'll be mostly in Ishinomaki, a town which bore of brunt of the natural disaster on 11th March. According to the most up to date of information, 5,000 people in Ishinomaki have been confirmed as dead or missing. I assume that there will be a great deal of work to be done over the next few years, so this will perhaps be the first of many trips up north. I feel a certain responsibility to contribute something to the work up there as I lived in neighbouring Fukushima Prefecture for some years. The people up there were really very welcoming, so it is time to return the favour.As can be seen from the above picture, there is not much left standing in Ishinomaki. I'm not really sure what to expect, but I will post a new blog on my return.

I have just bought some hardwearing work gloves and N95 face masks which are apparently required to deal with the toxic particles blowing around. I now need to find myself a sleeping bag - still have a few days yet to get that organised.

We should be able to stay inside a building during our time up north. If not, I believe that tents are also available.

I'll take my camera with me, so I will be able to give you an update once I return. Although the radiation levels are noticeably elevated up north, I do not think it is a major concern for an adult making such a brief visit. I would however be more concerned if my children lived in the area.

Update to follow upon my return.


Joep said...

good on you Kane. You will be making a difference by getting stuck in. Hope lots of people support you by donating cash!!!

Mum - Yours said...

yep well done, stay safe! However small the donation or short the help, it all makes a difference.x

Kane Davidson said...

Yeah, I have set a fairly low target as I am sure people are struggling to donate to all the good causes. Due to the internet, there are now so many good causes to contribute to - and each one gets a smaller share of the cake. Anyway, as my target is low, even a 5 quid donation will go a long way to the target being reached.