Sunday, February 27, 2011

February Update

We are approaching the end of February and I have realised that I have not done an update to the blog for some time. So here it is - albeit a very brief one.

I have been quite busy on a few fronts recently, both in and out of work. These projects will be revealed in later posts. I have felt really lethargic over the last couple of weeks, have had a sore throat, and now a slight headache. I can only conclude the reason for my current state is the high pollen levels in Tokyo at the moment. At different times of year, depending on which tree or plant decides to propagate pollen, there are a number of peaks that have to be endured. Hay fever was never a problem for me in Britain or in rural Japan, but Tokyo is usually saturated in the pollen season and the resistance of the local population is weakened by pollution.
The picture at the top of this post is a pollen sensor which are placed at various locations around Japan by Weathernews to measure pollen levels and tell people what they already know (or feel). Personally, I would prefer a team of lumberjacks to be hired to clear the offending cedar trees. If that doesn't happen soon, I may have to start my new career as an arsonist.

Not long until I have another week off work (March 7th - 11th). I will endeavor to have something more interesting in my next post.

P.S. I have just noticed I wrote a very similar blog almost exactly 3 years ago. Looks like I will have to suffer for a couple more weeks yet. Just want to sleep......


Anonymous said...

Poooooooor Kano.

tkstingray said...

Hi Kane :)
Your friend Tomo writting. I found it and join. StingrayBlack is me.
Anyway, I have not hey fever.