Sunday, August 16, 2009

Scottish Friends

I thought I'd post this picture of the group of friends that Clara made while she was in Scotand. Soon after we arrived in Inverness, we noticed a couple of girls hanging around the front of the house. Being my usual cheery self, I assumed that they were up to no good. However, it turned out that they had heard that a potential new friend had arrived all the way from Japan.

By the end of 3 weeks, the new group of friends that Clara has made extended to about 10 kids, all of similar age. Clara had a great chance to socialise and has not had a similar opportunity like that in Japan yet. Hopefully it will boost her self confidence and will encourage her to be more outgoing when she visits Scotland next time. As Scotland and Japan are two very different countries, I hope that being exposed to both cultures regularly in her formative years will help her become a more rounded individual.


Mum - Yours said...

She loved her 'street friends' and 'hide and seek' is the same everywhere. She laughed and ran and screamed along with them all, a lively bunch of very nice kids all waiting for her to come back soon.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of slumdogs.