Sunday, August 30, 2009

iPhone Returns

My original iPhone never returned, despite a visit to the local koban (police box) and contact with the taxi lost and found office. I ended up getting a new iPhone instead and I hope this one will last longer than 6 months. I need to be more careful.

I have heard that there is an iPhone application that enables you to track the phone via GPS if it ever gets lost or stolen. I need to look into that. I also need to consider some extra security measure for my new phone and create a PIN code that prevents others from accessing the phonebook and other stuff. I'll work on that over the next week or so. Anyway, my old phone number and email address are unchanged so you can still get in contact with me in the usual way.


Alan said...

Did you get the audio message I sent you?

Kane Davidson said...

Yes, it was a touching Hieland song that warmed the cockles of my heart.

Alan said...

Did you ever watch NYPD Blue?