Sunday, August 02, 2009


In Tokyo I sometimes feel like a hamster stuck in a cage - constrained by concrete with any form of nature hard to find. The place where I work (called Makuhari) really emphasizes the discomfort and underlying tension of urban life with a sterile and charmless environment. Even the bird song that can be heard is artificial and emanates from hidden speakers........

That was why I was desperate to spread my wings and get a battering by a good Scottish wind and to let my eyes be massaged by some picturesque views. It was genuinely uplifting to head to the beach near Inverness and was a great bit of exercise for us all.
I walked along the beach and did not make the return journey on foot as I wanted to sample a couple of ales in the nearby hostelry. A lovely little walk and a satisfying couple of pints. It is nice to live a little.


Mum - Yours said...

Good blog. Yeh plenty of wind here in Scotland. But today sunshine and outside time - we miss you.

Anonymous said...

You have had that polo shirt since like 1996, mate.

Mum - Yours said...

When Clara looked at this block she said.. Invergordon? Then I realized what she meant.