Friday, November 23, 2007

Clara Nakamura

Last Christmas, my friend Neil from Scotland, gave Clara a Celtic strip. It was a bit large for her at the time time but now seems to fit perfectly. A great present but I was slightly miffed that Clara now seems to be a Celtic supporter instead of supporting The Dons. However, at least she will be supporting a team that has a chance of winning something.

Sorry for the delay in posting. I think I blogged myself to death during September and October. We haven't been up to much. I've been busy at work but now have a few weeks off over Christmas and New Year. The commute to work has been a bit tough recently as it seems to be suicide season in Tokyo. Everyday for the past few weeks there has been announcements on the train PA system announcing delays due to suicides. It appears that the people who commit suicide want others to suffer and therefore they choose rush hour, the time which will impact hundreds of thousands of commuters. My colleagues and I were saying that it is a good thing that guns are strictly controlled in Japan or these people would be potential mass killers.

Anyway, we are all fine and have Clara's 7th birthday and Christmas coming up. More blogs to follow soon - I promise.

1 comment:

Mum - Yours said...

Yeh it fits now! Good for her and her 7th Birthday party looked really good today. Although only there via web cam we really felt part of it - apart from the fact that we could not share the wine with you all (it was breakfast time here).