Saturday, April 15, 2006

Kannonnuma (Kannon Marsh)

Kannonnuma is a very pretty part of Shimogo and a favourite place for me to cycle. To cycle from my apartment to the lake and return takes me about 1 hour 30 minutes. The cycle is about 30km in total.

The first picture shows the road going towards Kannonnuma. The road is usually very quiet and is safe to cycle on. The winter has been long and hard this year, as evidenced by the snow which still spots the landscape. A nice view!

The next picture shows Silver Birch trees on the road up towards Kannonnuma lake. I've always liked the Silver Birch. Some Japanese people believe that the Silver Birch is a symbol of purity, patience, and perseverance. I am wondering if there is a religious connection with the temple / shrine at Kannonnuma lake, but I'm not sure.

At Kannonnuma, there is what I thought was a Buddhist temple. I have since been told that it is officially classed as a Shinto shrine. I think it is a mixture of both religions. Japanese people are well known for having different religions and they even mix them together.

Since my last visit, the lake ice has melted a little and there were lots of ducks walking on the ice or swimming in the water. Soon the ducks will be replaced by tourists.

Before my cycle, I was warned that at Kannonnuma lake, it is possible to meet bears. Therefore, on the walk towards the temple/ shrine, I was on high alert and ready to run at any moment.

On the side of the temple / shrine, I found this picture. I am guessing that this is a picture of the Buddhist deity called Kannon. Kannon is the Buddhist deity of compassion.

The following pictures show a stone lantern, a torii gate at the temple entrance, and the temple itself. If you look closely, you can see family name plates have been attached to the facade. I'm not sure why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

