Monday, April 30, 2012

Shimogo Town

A typical Shimogo Town scene
Hello all. I have just spent 2 days and nights in Shimogo Town, a place where I lived for 4 years. The official reason for visiting was to attend the interment of my friend's remains in his family grave. However, it was a perfect time to visit as the sun was shining and the cherry blossoms were at their most beautiful. I also enjoyed watching the farmers working in their rice fields.....there is something very therapeutic about watching other people work.
Hard work!
After the funeral ceremony, I walked next to some rice fields and through some small country lanes. Wonderful!! The peace and solitude made a great change from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. In the evening, I met with Dr Tomo for food (locally shot venison and wild boar) and drink - lots of drink.....
Asahida E.S and cherry blossom
Another fun trip back to Minami-Aizu in Fukushima. I may perhaps go back in the summer time for hiking.....if so, I'll be sure to blog about it.

Now I'm in Chicago, Illinois. Will post some USA blogs soon.

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